I Have an App for That!

Hey loves! There’s so much going on around here…
First, my HIRE ME! page is fully functional and has a new look, with links to all the styling I offer!
Secondly, I’m super excited to tell you that I’ve revamped my progressive e-styling program. Now, not only am I offering e-styling via email, but Skype too! And you can get all the one.on.one personal styling options via Skype! AND… you can easily book online through my booking calendar…

Also, I have an app for that!
The FM App {Fashionably, Melissa} is FREE and allows you to book appointments, connect easily with me through Facebook and Twitter, and check out the style gallery for featured looks.

Super easy to install, I’m posting the steps for the iPhone below, but you can also click on the ‘Install on Your Phone’ button on the webpage here and install for your Droid.
Step1: Go to this link on your phone. 
Step 2: Tap the share icon.
Step 3: Tap ‘Add to Home Screen’
As always, thanks dolls for all the love and support!

Get Ready for Fall with Me!!!

My e-styling services are available for the entire month of October at a super rate!
Everything you need from a shopping check list for all your fall essentials to outfits styled by moi in your inbox EVERY WEEK!
Check out the video below for all the deets and REGISTER HERE

Below is the flyer. Feel free to share with your friends and let’s get fall fabulous together!

ON SALE! $14.99 Sign up below

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