A Month of Thankful Thursdays-The Best Job in the World

Somedays, I’m so exhausted that the possibility of facing another hectic day is daunting. Then, it hits me. I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

Stay-at-home mom. It’s a full-time, rewarding, yet unending job. It’s my job. I’m the cook, the maid, the dry cleaner, the babysitter. I begin my morning around 7 a.m. and end my day when my head hits the pillow. Long hours, sometimes sleepless nights, no vacation or sick days, and NO PAY. I’m a mom and I wouldn’t change my occupation for the world.

I might not get “time off”, bring home a paycheck, or always get a thank you for doing a pile of dirty dishes, wrangling a weeks worth of laundry, wrestling dust bunnies, or chasing a crawling baby, but knowing that I get to be home all day and raise my child is rewarding enough. Seeing a smile I’ve put on her face is priceless. I can’t imagine this kind of satisfaction in any other job.

I’ve been a horse trainer, and a science teacher. Both rewarding in their own right. But raising another person who’ll one day be a contributing member of society, and will carry on your legacy, indescribable. I have the best job in the world. I’m extremely thankful that I’ve been chosen to do such a special job.

A Month of Thankful Thursdays-The Best Job in the World

Somedays, I’m so exhausted that the possibility of facing another hectic day is daunting. Then, it hits me. I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

Stay-at-home mom. It’s a full-time, rewarding, yet unending job. It’s my job. I’m the cook, the maid, the dry cleaner, the babysitter. I begin my morning around 7 a.m. and end my day when my head hits the pillow. Long hours, sometimes sleepless nights, no vacation or sick days, and NO PAY. I’m a mom and I wouldn’t change my occupation for the world.

I might not get “time off”, bring home a paycheck, or always get a thank you for doing a pile of dirty dishes, wrangling a weeks worth of laundry, wrestling dust bunnies, or chasing a crawling baby, but knowing that I get to be home all day and raise my child is rewarding enough. Seeing a smile I’ve put on her face is priceless. I can’t imagine this kind of satisfaction in any other job.

I’ve been a horse trainer, and a science teacher. Both rewarding in their own right. But raising another person who’ll one day be a contributing member of society, and will carry on your legacy, indescribable. I have the best job in the world. I’m extremely thankful that I’ve been chosen to do such a special job.

Thoughts on Jury Duty

Catapulting myself on that soapbox again

36 weeks. Ready-to-pop-have-to-visit-the-restroom-every-20-minutes pregnant. Summoned. Holding a jury duty notice in my hand. 
“Are you–a few expletives–kidding me?” “What am I going to do when I have to pee seven times before they even ask my name?” 
Thank god, I actually dodged a bullet and didn’t have to appear. Thank you lawyers for reaching an agreement; my pea-sized bladder thanks you relentlessly.
Fast forward half a year. With a baby sucking on my boob every three to four hours, I’ve been called again? Really court system, have you no one else on your call list?
I despise am not a fan of jury duty. I’ve, to date, been: 
  1. privileged stuck with it once, and made it as far as an A or B group in which my group was lucky to be dismissed, after hours of waiting (thank you for sucking life from me that I’ll never get back),
  2. summoned the week my dad was tragically killed murdered and reluctantly excused (WTF? How sympathetic of you), 
  3. called again while pregnant with Lovebug (glad to know you appreciate a bazillion pee breaks too),
  4. and recently been summoned while exclusively nursing (way to sample the population). 

Always convenient timing. 
I have a problem with summoning stay-at-home moms for jury duty.

I don’t “work” for a company in which I receive a paycheck, who’ll find a replacement, and allow me time off to serve my civil duty. I’m a stay-at-home mom with a dependent who relies solely on me for care, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Why are they even subjecting stay-at-home moms to this bullshit? We should be exempt. Always. Period. And I’m not paying to leave Lovebug with a sitter–I don’t even know how an exclusively breast fed baby would fare with that anyway. Just a guess, but screams of starvation come to mind. I will not subject my daughter to that.

Still not a reasonable excuse? I should like to see the reaction when I show up with my daughter on my hip, diaper bag on one shoulder, and a nursing cover donned during opening arguments. If this stay-at-home mom is expected to serve on a jury, that is exactly what they’ll get. What? Is this not a fair representation of the population? 

Co-Hosting Battle of the Leading Men

Each week the ladies of Mommy LaDy Club host a “romantic getaway” and I’m honored to be co-hosting this week. Without further ado, take us away ladies…

You didn’t know that you could find a romantic retreat on a Mom blog, did you?
Welcome to Battle of The Leading Men!
Your Romantic Getaway…
Would you like to play?

First, meet our one and only Hosts, Clint Eastwood & Timothy Olyphant.  Why are they so special you ask? They have been 
designated untouchable, and shall never battle.

battle of the leading men on mommy lady club
Thank you Gentlemen.
And we, Mommy LaDy Club and Melissa of The Anecdotal Baby shall be your honorable Co-Hosts!

Here’s how to play:

1: Please follow, visit and comment both on Mommy LaDy Club and on The Anecdotal Baby
2: Please vote in each of the paired Battles below by commenting the names of each Battle champion on Mommy LaDy Club’s Blog. 

3: You may also link up by Sunday at midnight to be drawn to win next week’s co-host spot!
The Battle voting will remain open through the week, even if you missed linking up for the co-host spot.  Get all of the details of our Battles at your Romantic Getaway central, where you can view all past winners and losers from previous match-ups.  The winners from this current round will get to move on to round two. So choose whom you want to see again!
Now…Battle On!

Battle 1: Keanu Reeves, Battle Cry: Matrix 

Mathew Fox, Battle Cry: Lost Skit

Battle 2:
David Beckham, Battle Cry: Playing Soccer 

Prince Harry, Battle Cry:His Royal Hotness

Don’t forget to link up to be next week’s Co-Host, and come back next weekend for more Battles!
If you like to play our Battles of The Leading Men, grab our button…

<a href=”http://mommyladyclub.blogspot.com/p/mommy-romantic.html”><img alt=”BWS tips button” width=”225″ src=”http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss209/ladyladuke/battlebutton225x180.jpg&#8221; height=”180″/></a>

Co-Hosting Battle of the Leading Men

Each week the ladies of Mommy LaDy Club host a “romantic getaway” and I’m honored to be co-hosting this week. Without further ado, take us away ladies…

You didn’t know that you could find a romantic retreat on a Mom blog, did you?
Welcome to Battle of The Leading Men!
Your Romantic Getaway…
Would you like to play?

First, meet our one and only Hosts, Clint Eastwood & Timothy Olyphant.  Why are they so special you ask? They have been 
designated untouchable, and shall never battle.

battle of the leading men on mommy lady club
Thank you Gentlemen.
And we, Mommy LaDy Club and Melissa of The Anecdotal Baby shall be your honorable Co-Hosts!

Here’s how to play:

1: Please follow, visit and comment both on Mommy LaDy Club and on The Anecdotal Baby
2: Please vote in each of the paired Battles below by commenting the names of each Battle champion on Mommy LaDy Club’s Blog. 

3: You may also link up by Sunday at midnight to be drawn to win next week’s co-host spot!
The Battle voting will remain open through the week, even if you missed linking up for the co-host spot.  Get all of the details of our Battles at your Romantic Getaway central, where you can view all past winners and losers from previous match-ups.  The winners from this current round will get to move on to round two. So choose whom you want to see again!
Now…Battle On!

Battle 1: Keanu Reeves, Battle Cry: Matrix 

Mathew Fox, Battle Cry: Lost Skit

Battle 2:
David Beckham, Battle Cry: Playing Soccer 

Prince Harry, Battle Cry:His Royal Hotness

Don’t forget to link up to be next week’s Co-Host, and come back next weekend for more Battles!
If you like to play our Battles of The Leading Men, grab our button…

<a href=”http://mommyladyclub.blogspot.com/p/mommy-romantic.html”><img alt=”BWS tips button” width=”225″ src=”http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss209/ladyladuke/battlebutton225x180.jpg&#8221; height=”180″/></a>


Write On Edge: Red-Writing-Hood

A couple times a week, around 8 p.m.
Our den is dimly lit. Invited guests speak in whispers as we hang on every word.
It unfolds there in the shadowy room.
Schemes crafted.
By 845, covert operations have nearly been executed.
15 minutes later elusive criminals are being discussed.
The most perplexing and perverse criminal minds.
In less than an hour a profile’s complete; analysis is set forth.
The baby sleeps and the DVR plays on.
This week’s prompt was to:
Take my readers to a version of 8:00–A.M. or P.M., fiction or creative nonfiction– in 200 words or less. Tuesday by David Wiesner, a (mostly) wordless picture book that plays with the question, “What really happens at different times of day?” was the inspiration.