3rd Birthday Celebration

It’s so crazy to think my little girl is 3! I can’t believe how fast time flies. I mean, everyone tells you the time is going to go fast, and you know that in some respect, but you can’t ever prepare for just how fast it actually goes.
In our house, we celebrate birthday weeks! I know, some of you probably do the entire month, but it’s just not possible for our schedules. So, we set aside an entire week. This was her golden birthday {3 on the 3rd.} 
We are taking the bug to Disneyland in a few weeks when our schedules settle a bit, but don’t worry the princess didn’t miss out at all last week. Here’s some pictures of all the celebrations!
a princess doll for a princess!
her highness!
of course, she had to get fancy for dance.
we filled her room with balloons birthday morning.
waiting patiently to open her presents from mommy and daddy!
birthday dinner on her birthday.
what girl gets a fireworks show for her birthday? this girl!
I have to say, she’s the coolest 3 year old I know. I can’t wait to see what this year has in store!

3rd Birthday Celebration

It’s so crazy to think my little girl is 3! I can’t believe how fast time flies. I mean, everyone tells you the time is going to go fast, and you know that in some respect, but you can’t ever prepare for just how fast it actually goes.
In our house, we celebrate birthday weeks! I know, some of you probably do the entire month, but it’s just not possible for our schedules. So, we set aside an entire week. This was her golden birthday {3 on the 3rd.} 
We are taking the bug to Disneyland in a few weeks when our schedules settle a bit, but don’t worry the princess didn’t miss out at all last week. Here’s some pictures of all the celebrations!
a princess doll for a princess!
her highness!
of course, she had to get fancy for dance.
we filled her room with balloons birthday morning.
waiting patiently to open her presents from mommy and daddy!
birthday dinner on her birthday.
what girl gets a fireworks show for her birthday? this girl!
I have to say, she’s the coolest 3 year old I know. I can’t wait to see what this year has in store!