What Are You Spreading?

Let me begin this post with thanks. I know I’ve been missing in action for a bit, and I thank you for sticking with me. I’ve been tending to a sick infant, and now nursing myself back to health.

Germs. They’re everywhere. Now, I’m by no means a germaphobe, but when it comes to spreading illness I get so irritated by a lack of consideration for those of us who aren’t sick.

You won’t find me wiping down the shopping cart with those antibacterial wipes. I don’t hand-sanitize after touching everything, and I believe a little dirt is good for you. And yes, I know illness is part of building immunity, but damn it I hate being laid up in bed eating bonbons watching soap operas struggling to make it another day praying I could just die and be reincarnated as a healthy person. Or worse yet, watching my little Lovebug suffer through a bug.

When I’m sick, I wash my hands before using communal items, cover my mouth when I cough, and I avoid public places and other people as much as possible. Hence no need for those damn wipes. 

Maybe it’s true what they say about misery loving company?

But seriously, spread the love, people not the germ.

During my teaching days there were inconsiderate invalids other teachers who would come to school sick, and then parade around common areas spreading their germs. Hey, I’m guilty of going to work sick – I think we all are – but I hid in my own classroom eating lunch by myself rather than exposing everyone in the lunch room, and kept my contact to a limit.

If there are family gatherings, lunch appointments, or play dates, I opt for the “better to be safe than sorry” road and excuse myself from the get-together. 

You see, spreading the love.

Recently, there was a family member – who shall remain nameless – with an illness. This family member was going to be out of town the upcoming weekend and hadn’t seen my daughter in over a week. We were supposed to get together the previous weekend, but this family member was sick. A few days later, said family member wanted to see my daughter since we missed them that weekend and the following weekend was no good. Apparently, there was still a lingering cough – and who else knows what – and low and behold two days after exposure my daughter turns up with a runny nose, fever, and you guessed it, a cough.

That’s spreading the germ.

I was pretty pissed upset. It’s no fun having a sick kid. She’s a trooper, and somehow can smile through, but watching her suffer an illness is not for the faint of heart. 

So now I have a sick kid. You know what happens when you have a sick kid? Yeah, the whole house is sick. Yay!

More love please, less germs.


Write On Edge: Red-Writing-Hood

A couple times a week, around 8 p.m.
Our den is dimly lit. Invited guests speak in whispers as we hang on every word.
It unfolds there in the shadowy room.
Schemes crafted.
By 845, covert operations have nearly been executed.
15 minutes later elusive criminals are being discussed.
The most perplexing and perverse criminal minds.
In less than an hour a profile’s complete; analysis is set forth.
The baby sleeps and the DVR plays on.
This week’s prompt was to:
Take my readers to a version of 8:00–A.M. or P.M., fiction or creative nonfiction– in 200 words or less. Tuesday by David Wiesner, a (mostly) wordless picture book that plays with the question, “What really happens at different times of day?” was the inspiration.

Happy Halloween

I love Halloween! Every year I try to come up with great ideas better than the years past. Last year, while pregnant with Lovebug, I just new I had to incorporate her (though we didn’t know her sex yet) into the costume.

Halloween 2010: Pregnant w/the peanut
This year, I knew I wanted to do a joint costume with her again. 
Halloween 2011: The spider and her web

I hope Lovebug enjoyed her first Halloween (out of the womb) and loves it just as much as her mamma and daddy do. 


iPhone Photo Phun

Happy Halloween

I love Halloween! Every year I try to come up with great ideas better than the years past. Last year, while pregnant with Lovebug, I just new I had to incorporate her (though we didn’t know her sex yet) into the costume.

Halloween 2010: Pregnant w/the peanut
This year, I knew I wanted to do a joint costume with her again. 
Halloween 2011: The spider and her web

I hope Lovebug enjoyed her first Halloween (out of the womb) and loves it just as much as her mamma and daddy do. 


iPhone Photo Phun

Text A Story

It was a leisurely walk. Five minutes after returning there was blood. Her words alarming, she breathed “we better go to the hospital.”

This week’s prompt was to:
Compose a post in the form of a text160 characters.
Your text must elicit or express fear.
Though this initially looks like more of a fiction prompt, we challenge our non-fiction writers to take a stab at it as well. (Stab! Scary!)

Faded Friend

We connected from the very beginning.

Your bubbly personality, glowing presence, and your history.
Oh, your history!
Our pasts were strikingly similar.
It was as if I was looking through a mirror.
Our lives interconnected, though we’d just met.
Your troubles were my troubles.
We laughed together.

You became like a sister rather quickly.
I put my heart out there.
Keeping up a masquerade, entombing the emptiness inside, you’re words certain.
I believed.

They were profoundly convincing.

You ached.


I wanted so much to share every aspect of my good news with you.

Yet, you virtually vanished.
Resentment? Agony? 
My heart ached.
Always, though, I understood. 

You never thought for one minute this moment would grace you. 
I would’ve liked so much to accompany you in your journey.
Too much distance between us now.

Faded friends.

One thing gained.
One thing lost.